A Confession | Novel | Leo Tolstoy

A Confession novel is written by Leo Tolstoy. Tolstoy was a Russian writer. He was born in 1828 in a aristocrat family. He is best known for his novels War and Peace and Anna Karenina. Loe Tolstoy wrote a lot of short stories and novels. On september 23, 1862, tolstoy married sophia andreevna behrs, who was 16 years his junior and the daughter of a court medical doctor. She changed into known as sonya, the russian diminutive of sofia, by means of her family and friends. They had thirteen kids, 8 of whom survived.

A Confession is a short work on the subject of melancholia, philosophy and religion by Leo Tolstoy. It was written in 1879 to 1880, when Tolstoy was of late-middle age.The book is a quick autobiography tale of the author's battle with a mid-lifestyles existential crisis. It describes his search for the answer to the last philosophical query: "if god does now not exist, considering death is inevitable, what is the that means of lifestyles?." with out the answer to this, for him, existence had emerge as "not possible".

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The story starts with the eastern myth of the dragon inside the properly. A man is chased by way of a beast into a properly, at the lowest of that is a dragon. The person clings to a branch this is being gnawed on by using two mice (one black, one white, representing night time and day and the relentless march of time). The man is able to lick two drops of honey (representing tolstoy's love of his family and his writing), however due to the fact dying is inevitable, he now not reveals the honey sweet.

Tolstoy is going on to describe 4 viable attitudes in the direction of this quandary. The primary is lack of know-how. If one is oblivious to the fact that loss of life is drawing close, lifestyles turns into bearable. The hassle with this for him individually is that he isn't always ignorant. Having turn out to be conscious of the fact of loss of life, there's no going returned.

The second possibility is what tolstoy describes as epicureanism. Being absolutely conscious that lifestyles is ephemeral, you can actually experience the time one has. Tolstoy's trouble with this is basically ethical. He states that epicureanism may work nice and nicely for the minority who can manage to pay for to live "the good lifestyles," but one could should be morally empty with a view to forget about the fact that the widespread majority of people do not have get right of entry to to the wealth necessary to live this kind of life.

Download the novel from the below downloading link to read complete story of A Confession. You might also like to download and read War and peace and Anna Karenina by Leo Tolstoy.


A Confession | Novel | Leo Tolstoy A Confession | Novel | Leo Tolstoy Reviewed by Arslan on October 03, 2017 Rating: 5

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